Accu-Scope EXC-350-365 w/ Integrated LED Fluorescence for DAPI/Calc. White


Infinity Plan Optics, Enhanced LED Illumination

ACCU-SCOPE's new EXC-350 Series delivers a new level of optical performance, versatility and is built to last. With an enhanced, newly developed LED illumination system and our Infinity plan objectives, the EXC-350 provides brighter, sharper and crisper images than ever before. The EXC-350 Series' modular design is compatible with many accessories for fluorescence, phase contrast and darkfield applications.

Ease of Viewing

With newly designed WF10x/20mm focusable eyepieces and the ability to adjust the interpupillary distance adjustment by 180°, the EXC-350 Series offers best in class ergonomics at an affordable price.

Superb Optics With Higher Resolution & Clearer Images

ACCU-SCOPE's Infinity plan and S-Plan APO objectives offer industry-leading quality for clinical, laboratory, research and advanced educational applications. These objectives provide crisp, high resolution, high contrast flat images over the entire 20mm field of view.

Versatile & Modular Design

The EXC-350 Series' modular design allows for the simple and easy addition of filter sliders, phase contrast and a wide range of LED fluorescence options from ScopeLED® and Excelitas.

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Accu-Scope EXC-350-365 w/ Integrated LED Fluorescence for DAPI/Calc. White
